
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Snuggle Up Sundays, with a book that is!

I've decided that on the occassional Sunday I will review a children's book that I enjoyed as a child or that we are enjoying at the moment. For me, reading to your child  is one of the most important and memorable things you can do. It's the one time in the day where you have to be there, mentally and physically, with your child otherwise the pages just don't get read. As most of you know, it's a lovely way to get ready for bed or to spend a cold afternoon snuggled up. And with a local library and membership card, it's practically for free! I say practically because if you're anything like me you may find yourself forever paying late fees. I know, I know I only have myself to blame!

But now that I think about it, is being read to really old school? Surely it is? It's just I don't really remember being read to. I remember bringing home readers from school and having to read to my mum, but being read to.. Hmmm Maybe it's more common place now with literacy and literacy experiences being pushed more by governments. What are your childhood experiences with being read to? 

Eitherway I think it is important to share books as a family and for that reason alone and the fact that it means more screen-free time, I'm going to use my Sunday posts to review and share what I deem to be an awesome children's book!

For today's review I present what's become a classic children's book that is chock full of toilet humor. And one thing's for sure toilet humor in our family agrees with everyone! There's nothing like a fart or poo joke to crack up our little family.

Playing it Old School's Snuggle Up Sunday presents... 

Vom kleinen Maulwurf, der wissen wollte, wer ihm auf den Kopf gemacht hat

  or The English version...  

The Story of the Little Mole Who Knew It Was None of His Business

Written by  Werner Holzwarth and Wolf Erlbruch.

In the pages of this book you will find the story of a little mole who's been disgraced in the most unimaginable way possible, who then goes out to find the perpetrator, and upon having found him takes sweet revenge. Yes people all this from a children's book!

In a little more detail and a little less drama, this is the story of a mole who popping his head out of the dirt one morning finds himself pooed on. He then goes out into the world ot beasts (farm animals) asking those he finds if they are responsible. In doing so we as the readers get quite an education in animal poop, what it looks like, what it sounds like, and what it smells like. I won't go on much more as I don't want to give the story away but I will repeate that revenge is had!

In all seriousness this tale will have you and your little ones in stitches! It is quite clever and I personally love the languaged used to describe the way different pooes fall, words such as (in the German version anyway) rumpsdi pumps to describe horse plops and platsch-klatschte for bird poo splatters.

So if you haven't already shared this one with your family then please get out to your local library and borrow it, sit back, snuggle up and enjoy. And forgive anyone who farts while reading it!

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